It happens every time. Whenever moms are gathered together, they inevitably share their experiences of motherhood. Whether these episodes are happy or sad, frustrating or fulfilling, it’s always comforting to know that there’s a fellow mom who understands where you’re coming from and who would readily give you an encouraging smile, a helping hand, or a loving embrace.
Every mother has a #TeamMom behind her – a group of moms who have come together, either through shared interest or common history, to savor every exciting twist and turn of their mommyhood journey. #TeamMom encourages her to take advantage of her strengths and helps her work through her weaknesses. #TeamMom knows when she needs to let her hair down and laugh at everyday foibles. #TeamMom also knows when a moment calls for an all-out cry or a gentle pat in the back. Above all, #TeamMom cheers her through every moment and milestone, whether big or small.
Simply put, #TeamMom rocks!