2012 Theme: The Best of Modern Motherhood

We celebrate the BEST of MODERN MOTHERHOOD at Expo Mom 2012!

What is modern motherhood? Or more interestingly, what is a modern mom?
What defines her? What does she value? What sets her apart from mothers that came before her?

Modern moms are active, empowered parents, We’ve come up with a list of modern mom personas as we try to encapsulate in simplified terms what a modern mom is. Do you see yourself in any of these modern mom personas?

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Are you an EARTH-LOVING green MAMA?

With today’s green revolution comes the growing number of earth-loving moms who have adopted a natural lifestyle. “back to basics”. Amidst technology, the new discoveries and trends in products that promote easy and convenient living and instant results, she chooses to go back-to-basics, choosing natural products, lessening the use of toxic chemicals and elements, she recycles and upcycles, and makes careful purchasing decisions to decrease her family’s carbon footprint,

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Are you a FIT MOM?

The modern mom is health conscious, she wants to be in the best shape possible, not only so she can care for her family better but also for herself, so that she is physically able to live better, reach her goals and dreams, and bec she values herself.

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She’s one who has her cake and will eat it too. She balances raising her kids with building and running a business. She finds fulfillment in being able to contribute to the family income, while feeding her passions and using her talents and skills in her business.

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Are you an modern BELLY BLESSED mom-to-be?

The expectant mom of today, we’d like to call Belly blessed. She is in touch with her body, she is an informed mom-to-be, often with an equally active and involved partner. She has knowledge and products at her fingertips and she uses this for her own and her coming baby’s benefit.

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Are you a TECHIE MOM?

We must admit, she’s the most “prevalent” type of our modern mom personas. She loves technology and gadgets, and uses these to enhance her life. She takes advantage of technology to allow her to maximize her time, she uses it to be in touch, she uses it to fulfill multiple roles with the least effort and least time. And she uses it to be in the know.

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Are you a HANDS-ON MOM?

The hands-on mom wants to be intimately involved in every facet of her child’s life. She is an active, ever-present parent.

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More and more moms now choose to breastfeed because they know breastmilk is truly the best and that making breastmilk is our very own “superpower”. Armed with information and support, she is a committed nursing mom, inspite of all the challenges that go with breastfeeding.

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The sling wearing mom-of-today is a sight to behold. She carries her baby wherever she goes, with confidence and with ease. She chooses to babywear not only for the convenience but also because she believes in the benefits of attachment parenting.

So what type of modern mom are you? Actually there’s probably a bit of each modern mom persona in each of us, and no matter what it’s just great (and fun!) to know what type we are and realize that in the end, we are all just trying to be the best moms we can possibly be for our kids!


We invite you to CELEBRATE MODERN MOTHERHOOD WITH US!:) Grab one of our modern mom badges or visit the Mommy Mundo Facebook page and join our Expo Mom Modern Mom Contest!

Here’s info on how to join:


All modern mamas and moms-to-be!
*All participants must have a Philippine address.

WHAT’S AT STAKE & 2 WAYS TO Join and Win!

1) All modern mom badge taggers (who follow the mechanics below) will get a chance to win the following awesome prizes:
A Flip HD video cam, Havaianas pairs, Mommy Matters wardrobe and products, Cisco wireless router, Childbirth Classes with Rome Kanapi (classes to be redeemed at 6/7 months pregnancy), Baby Couture diaper bag, Next9 baby sling, and many more! (we will update this page as we finalize more prizes for our winners!)

*Winners will be chosen via random.org on may 9. Announcement will be made on or before may 11, 2012 at the Mommy Mundo FB page and website.

2) EVERYONE who posts and tags a modern mom badge on her Facebook page, and attends Expo Mom on May 5 or 6 will be automatically be entitled to a PICK A PRIZE at Expo Mom at the Rockwell Tent.

Obviously, presence at Expo Mom is required for this pick a prize promo, so do come!!

Prizes at stake are:
Havaianas pairs for men/women and kids
Mommy Matters nursingwear and Shop MommyMatters products
Cradles and Cycles products
Citibank merchandise
Mommy mundo merchandise
Gifts and samples from Expo Mom sponsors namely Sweet Baby, Cycles, Anmum, Cradles, and more….!

*1 pick a prize per person only. (if prize is claimed on May 5, the person is no longer eligible to pick a prize on May 6)
*Participants may be asked to show their Facebook/Twitter account at the Expo area, in case their name is not on the list of participants


1) Like the Mommy Mundo Facebook page here.
2) Choose a modern moms badge that best describes you (you can either grab a graphic from this page or from the Mommy Mundo facebook post here)
3) Post or share your chosen badge on your Facebook page or use it as your profile picture
4) Make sure to tag @MommyMundo and @ExpoMom2012 when you post your badge
Example: Sample tagged caption/ status: “i’m a ___ mom and ill be going to @Mommymundo @ExpoMom2012
*Please make sure the posts are properly tagged to be eligible

BONUS step! Do this step and get 1 additional raffle point!
1) Follow Mommy Mundo on Twitter here.
2) Post a tweet with the photo making sure to tag @Mommymundo and with the hashtag #expo mom
Ex: Sample tweet: “i’m a ___ mom and ill be going to @Mommy mundo’s #expomom2012
*Please make sure the posts are properly tagged to be eligible

7) Leave a comment below with your complete name, facebook and twitter names (if you did the bonus step), and your email address.
Ex: “I’m a modern mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
Anna Reyes (complete name)
Anna Ocampo-Reyes (FB username)
mommyanna (twitter username)
annar@yahoo.com (email address)

1) Each person can only join once. Multiple entries are automatically disqualified.
2) Prizes will be sent via courier.
3) Winners will be notified via email thus it is the winner’s responsibility to reply to emails regarding mailing details of the prizes.
4) Deadline for Winners who are not reachable on or before 6 months from announcement date automatically forfeit the prize.

Join now modern mamas and Hope to see you at Expo Mom, now a 2-DAY EVENT, on May 5 and 6, Saturday and Sunday at the Rockwell Tent!

Expo Mom 2012 is co-presented by Shop Mommy Matters, Philippine Association of Childbirth Educators (PACE), GlaxoSmithKline, Anmum, Sweet Baby Diapers and Goldilocks. Sponsors include CordLife Philippines, Cycles Mild Detergent, Cradles, Samsung, Havaianas. Also supported by PLDT, Crystal Clear, Tiny Buds, Lactacyd Baby Bath. Media Partners include Manila Bulletin, Sense & Style Magazine, Style Weekend, Working Mom Magazine, Breakfast Magazine, Multiply.com, Lifestyle Network, Smart Parenting, Crossover 105.1 FM, Urban Mom Magazine, Mommy Pages and www.mommypages.com.ph.

224 thoughts on “2012 Theme: The Best of Modern Motherhood”

  1. Mary Jane Dionela Quintana

    I’m a Belly Blessed Mom and I’m going to Mommy Mundo’s Expo Mom 2012! 🙂

    Mary Jane Dionela-Quintana (complete name)
    janedionelaquintana (FB username)
    fsyonista4less (twitter username)
    janedionelaquintana@yahoo.com (email address)

  2. I’m a Hands-On MOM and I’m going to Expo Mom!

    Vanessa Salosagcol
    FB: Vanessa Palad-Salosagcol
    Twitter: @iamvanenie

  3. Louie Angel Macaspac

    I’m a techie mom and I’m going to Expo Mom 2012!
    Louie Angel A. Macaspac (complete name)
    Angel Alzola (FB username)
    angelalzola (twitter username)
    bonez_2r@yahoo.com (email address)

  4. Princes Joy L Culili

    “I’m a belly blessed mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Princes Joy L. Culili (Complete name)
    Princes Culili (FB username)
    intetlobo (twitter username
    chet_lobo@yahoo.com (email address)

  5. I’m a Hands-on mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Kat Carpio
    FB: Kat S-c
    Twitter: @MyTotsExactly
    Email: k3na29xx%@%yahoo(dot)com

  6. Chemilou Patricia B. Jamir-Villaflor

    “I’m a breasrfeeding mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Chemilou Patricia B. Jamir-Villaflor (complete name)
    Alicia Emille Jamir Villalfor (Sasha) (FB username)
    bubblets85 (twitter username)
    bubblets85@yahoo.com (email address)

  7. Chemilou Patricia B. Jamir-Villaflor

    “I’m a breastfeeding mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Chemilou Patricia B. Jamir-Villaflor (complete name)
    Alicia Emille Jamir Villalfor (Sasha) (FB username)
    bubblets85 (twitter username)
    bubblets85@yahoo.com (email address)

  8. Pudgy C. Garcia

    I’m a breastfeeding and babywearing modern mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Pauline C. Garcia (complete name)
    Pudgy Carcereny-Garcia (FB username)
    —– (twitter username)
    garciaep@mydestiny.net (email address)

  9. Margaux Angelica Abella Cruz

    I’m a Belly Blessed Mom and I’m going to Expo Mom 2012!
    Margaux Angelica Abella Cruz
    Margaux Angelica Abella Cruz (FB username)
    jebbygurl (twitter username)
    jebbygurl@yahoo.com (email address)

  10. I’m a proud hands-on mom + I’m going to Expo Mom!

    Ma. Victoria Parungao
    Vix Parungao

  11. I’m a Momprenuer and I will be going to @Mommy Mundo @ExpoMom 2012
    Fullname:fillreza Revestir
    facebook : Rheza Reyes-Revestir
    twitter: itsRheza
    email address: rhezarevestir

  12. Theresa Cruz-Escaros

    “I’m a Hands-On Mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”

    Theresa Cruz-Escaros (complete name)
    Theresa Cruz-Escaros (FB username)
    TereCruzEscaros (twitter username)
    drterecruz@yahoo.com (email address)

  13. christine batiller

    i’m an earth-loving mom and i’m going to Expo Mom!
    Christine Batiller (complete name)
    Christine Bacal Batiller (FB username)
    @tinbatiller (twitter username)
    olesilo@yahoo.com (email address)

  14. i’m a hands-on mom and i’ll be going to expomom 2012!
    rosette sacil
    rosette ecleo-sacil
    rosette_ecleo at yahoo dot com

  15. I’m a hands-on mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!
    Maria Paz M Sy (complete name)
    mariasy (FB username)
    mariasy (twitter username)

  16. I’m a belly blessed mom and I’ll be going to ExpoMom 2012 😀

    Jackie Go
    Facebook: Jackie Go
    Twitter: @jackiego
    Email: gojackietong at yahoo dot com


  17. 7) Leave a comment below with your complete name, facebook and twitter names (if you did the bonus step), and your email address.
    Ex: “I’m a Belly Blessed Mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Mary A. Reana
    mary avellana reana

  18. I’m a hands-on mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!”
    Christine Amador (complete name)
    Christine Amador (FB username)
    ChristineAmador (twitter username)
    amador dot christine at gmail dot com (email address)

  19. Christine S. Jabadan

    “i’m a Fit Mom” and i’m surely going to the EXPO MOM Event!!!It’s nice to spend my birthday in ur event..see yah!!:D

  20. janys limgenco

    I’m a breastfeeding mom and i’m going to @mommy mundo @expomom 2012
    full name: janys lim-limgenco

    FB: janys lim

  21. I’m a breastfeeding mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!

    Marites L. Quitoriano (complete name)
    Marites Legamia Quitoriano(FB username)
    marites (twitter username)
    mariteslq@gmail.com (email address)

  22. I’m a breastfeeding mom and I’m going to Expo Mom!
    Cymbelly Marzan
    FB name: Cym Gonzaga-Marzan
    Twitter: @ceemee
    email address: christienne[dot]raikielle[at]gmail[dot]com

  23. Joana Gonzales

    I’m a breastfeeding mom and I’m going to attend to@mommymundo’s #Expomom2012
    Full name: Joana Crisel L.Gonzales
    FB username: Miana Gonzales
    Twitter username: Miana_G
    Yahoo mail: ljoanacrisel@yahoo.com

  24. I’m a belly blessed breastfeeding mom and (if I haven’t given birth yet) I’m going to Expo Mom!”

    Karla Macias-Battung
    FB: Karla Macias
    Twitter: kpmbattung
    Email: kpmacias@yahoo.com

  25. angela mendiola

    I’m a hands-on Mom and I’m going to ExpoMom2012
    Angela Monteiro-Mendiola (complete name)
    Angela Monteiro-Mendiola (FB username)
    anjmendiola (twitter username)
    anjmendiola@yahoo.com (email address)

  26. Cristina Co-Aquilino

    I’m a breastfeeding mom, and proud of it. It takes a lot of determination especially for working/travelling moms like me, but it is possible! See you at Expo Mom 2012!

    Name: Cristina Co-Aquilino
    FB Username: Cristina Co-Aquilino
    Email Add: shwaroops@yahoo.com

  27. Fia Dela Paz-Tan

    I’ m a baby wearing and earth-loving mom and i always love going to Mommy mundo event and I will not miss this Expo Mom 2012

  28. Fia Dela Paz-Tan

    I’ m a baby wearing and earth-loving mom and i always love going to Mommy mundo event and I will not miss this Expo Mom 2012

    Fullname: Maria Josfina M. Dela Paz-Tan
    Fb: Fian Dela Paz – Tan
    Email: fiandelapaz@aol.com

  29. I’m a hands-on mom and I’m going to Expo Mom 2012!

    Juli Salgado So (complete name)
    Juli Salgado So (FB username)
    @yay709 (Twitter username)
    yay709@yahoo.com (email address)

  30. “I’m a Hands-on Mom and I’m going to Expo Mom 2012!”

    Name: Joan Doronila
    FB username: Joan Doronila
    Twitter: Joan Doronila

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